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Resident Evil: The Marhawa Desire » Resident Evil: The Marhawa Desire #2 - Vol. 2 released by Viz on January 2015.
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Vol. 2 last edited by Darkside_of_the_Sun on 06/02/21 04:29AM View full history
The Marhawa Desire
Professor Wright and his nephew Ricky continue their investigation of the biohazard outbreak at Marhawa Academy. Upon entering an underground lab where the incident first occurred, they find evidence of the hooded woman, a prime suspect in bioterrorism events worldwide. As the number of victims grows, the hooded woman finally appears. The situation then takes a grim turn for the worse…
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- Naoki Serizawa artist, cover, writer
- Bindi Bergara
- Chris Redfield
- Merah Biji
- Nanan Yoshihara
- Piers Nivans
- Professor Doug Wright
- Ray Hsu
- Ricky Tozawa
- Tahir Kapoor
- B.S.A.A.
- Zombies
- Asia
- Marhawa Academy
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